“Students known to be eligible for pupil premium funding make as much progress as the rest of their class because teachers provide additional individual support to enable them to catch up quickly ”
Burton PRU is a School for pupil aged 11-16 years who have been referred through the East Staffordshire District Inclusion Partnership or other professionals. Levels of attainment upon entry to the school are below average. The catchment area is wide with students drawn from all over Burton and East Staffordshire.
Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011. The funding is provided to help disadvantaged pupils to ‘close the gap’ and to raise attainment and improve progress.
Pupil who are eligible include:
- Pupils who have been registered for Free School Meals (FSM) at any point in the last six years
- Pupil who have been looked after continuously for more than six months
- Pupil of armed services personnel
We will continue to use the pupil premium funding to support students at Burton PRU to raise social and academic standards of attainment, enabling our students to have a positive economic future. The funding has been used in a number of different areas, including our Curriculum Enrichment Activities. We review our Pupil Premium Strategy annually to start each academic year. Most of our students have a range of barriers to education – as they have been permenantly excluded or are at risk of this.
Other interventions that Pupil Premium funds are based on the
Student’s Individual Learning Plan. These include:
- Differentiated resources across the curriculum to enable students to engage and access a learning programme – building packs; modeling packs; alternative food to be used in DT etc.
- Alternative Provision – Fitness; bike maintenance etc.
We have proven success in uses these methods of intervention to support disadvantaged pupils to make progress and achieve. Burton PRU’s innovative approach in designing Individual Learning Plans.