

Our Positive Points system is used to engage and encourage our students to try to do their best while at Burton PRU.

The 3 categories for Positive Points are:

· Good Behaviour

· Good Effort

· Good Work

Students can obtain multiple Positive Points throughout the day (e.g. Finishing a task in lesson, working cooperatively with a peer, good communication skills, showing kindness, going above and beyond to help another person). Positive Points are then collated for the end of term Rewards Assembly and specific Rewards Trips.

Our reward system is intrinsically focused. We have discovered that students at Burton PRU generally find it hard to accept praise and therefore extrinsic reward gifts are commonly overlooked. Therefore, during Reward Assemblies gifts tend to be small, fun or edible!

Students with a high total of Positive Points will also be invited to take part on reward trips (e.g. England Badminton Championship, National Cycle Show).

Rewards and Positive Points are also relayed back to mainstream school (for dual-roll students) and to parents / careers during the weekly contact with their staff keyworker. This again, helps underpin the importance that good behaviour results in a stronger intrinsic motivation to do the right thing in all circumstances