The aims of Forest School is to provide the opportunity for all pupils to achieve their full potential by experiencing success and recognition for their valued contribution in a safe, calm, friendly, nurturing environment
Course description:
Name of Course
Forest School
Forest School is a unique educational experience and process that offers individuals the opportunity to succeed, develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in a woodland or other outdoor environment.
Outline of Course
Forest School provides opportunities for and encourages students to:
· develop their personal and social skills
· develop their language and communication skills
· improve physical motor skills
· work through practical problems and challenges
· develop practical skills
· use tools to create, build or manage
· pursue knowledge that interests them
· build confidence in decision making
· evaluate risk
· explore connections between humans, wildlife and the earth
· reflect on learning and experiences
· regularly experience achievement and success
· learn how to manage failures
· discover how they learn best
· improve their concentration skills
· become more motivated
· understand the benefits of a balanced and healthy lifestyle
At Burton PRU, Forest School sessions generally take place within the school grounds. The area is fully fenced, mainly concreted ground with a side hedgerow.
Forest School sessions are held by Mr Adrian Malone (Qualified Forest School status).
How it’s taught
Students taking part in Forest School sessions are given an opportunity to participate in
activities in an outdoor setting on a regular basis. The setting provides a safe environment for them to learn and explore. Activities take place throughout the year and generally in all weathers.
Whilst the sessions may provide opportunities to learn and understand more about the natural world, they also provide opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills.
Students at Burton PRU actively engage with the Forest School Ethos and enjoy the variety it brings to the school day.