We aim the PSHE curriculum to be:
Ambitious – The new PSHE/ SRE curriculum is in line with the new government framework aimed at creating a broad PSHE/SRE curriculum developing knowledge and skills from KS2/KS3 and enabling students to move onto KS5.
Challenging – Lessons are designed to stimulate discussion across a broad range of PSHE topics. Themes are designed to increase in challenge
between Y7-11 increasing in depth or subject content.
Engaging – Lessons use a combination of discussion, literacy and film-based tasks to stimulate engagement.
Course description:
Name of Course
Personal, Social &Health Education (PSHE)
Not Applicable
Outline of Course
Our PSHE & RSE programmes are very popular with all our students, as it helps all students to understand key life choices that they will need to make throughout their lives. It also addresses the five outcomes of the Every Child Matters.
How its taught
We actively teach the skills which will enable students to participate fully in the life choices they will have. We encourage student participation and contribution in lessons and place value on personal experience. In PSHE, students are taught the knowledge, skills and understanding of different topic areas, so that they can make informed decisions and take some responsibility for themselves. It helps them make real life choices and it also promotes healthy relationships in all aspects of their lives. This is undertaken in small groups; through research, discussion & debate.
Topic Areas
We cover a variety of topic areas, including: Drugs Education; Sex and Relationship Education; Emotional Wellbeing; Healthy Lifestyles; Personal Safety; Applying for Jobs; Diversity, Prejudice and Discrimination etc.
Useful Websites
www.talktofrank.com Drug Education
www.nhs.uk Health Education
www.drinkaware.co.uk Alcohol Education
www.bbc.co.uk Resources