English (Literature GCSE)
Name of Course
English Literature
AQA GCSE English Literature
Outline of Course
Students complete two exams to achieve an overall grade for their GCSE.
Paper 1 – Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel
This exam is 1 hour 45 minutes and makes up 50% of the exam grade.
Section A (20%) – Shakespeare
- Extract and whole play question
- Normally ‘Macbeth’ (as studied in other local schools)
Section B (20%) – 19th Century Novel
- Extract and whole play question
- Normally ‘A Christmas Carol’ as studied by other local schools.
Paper 2 – Modern Texts and Poetry
This exam is 2 hour 15 minutes and makes up 60% of the exam grade.
Section A – ‘An Inspector Calls’ or ‘Blood Brothers’
- One essay question from two.
- Choice of text determined by previous school.
Section B – AQA Poetry
- One comparative question on one named poem and one other poem from the chosen cluster in the AQA Anthology
Section C – Unseen Poetry
- One question on one unseen poem and one question comparing
How it’s taught
Small group work
Film and drama
Cloze exercises
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Exercises
Speaking and Listening Exercises
There will be homework on SPaG exercises and practice papers