

English GCSE and other qualifications provide a gateway to future success post16. However, beyond this, English should be at the heart of the curriculum as through it, students learn how to communicate and how to understand themselves and others. Through the study of language and literature, students should develop as individuals and become more sensitive to others and the world around them. Therefore, English should support with the development of Fundamental British Values and SMSC.


Available courses:
English Language
Functional Skills English
English Literature



Name of Course
English Language
AQA GCSE English Language

Outline of Course
Students complete two exams to achieve an overall grade for their GCSE.

Paper 1 – Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing
This exam is 1 hour 45 minutes and makes up 50% of the exam grade.

Section A (25%) – Reading:
Close reading one prose extract of literature
Assessed through four standard questions.

Section B (25%) – Writing:
A creative writing task.

Paper 2 – Writers’ Viewpoints and Perspectives
This exam is 1 hour 45 minutes and makes up 50% of the exam grade.

Section A (25%) – Reading:
Close reading two extracts of high-quality non-fiction writing, one from the 19th century, the other from the 20th or 21st century

Assessed through four standard questions

Section B (25%) – Writing:
Writing to present a point of view. There is no choice of question

Component 3 – Students also should complete a non-assessment Speaking and Listening task.  They must make one presentation/speech, including responses to questions and feedback.

How it’s taught
– Small group work
– Discussion
– Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Exercises
– Speaking and Listening Exercises

Topic Areas
– Creative and Personal Writing
– Writing presenting a viewpoint in different forms (including speeches, articles and letters)
– Reading Comprehension – including summaries, analysing language and structure, evaluating writers’ viewpoints.
– Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar
– Speaking and Listening

– Revision materials provided
– CenturyTech activities for all students


Name of Course
Functional Skills English

Edexcel Functional Skills Entry Level 1,2,3; Level 1 & 2

Level 1 is equivalent to Grade 2 GCSE. Level 2 is equivalent to Grade 4 GCSE.

Outline of Course
Students will be prepared for examination at the appropriate level.

The course includes study of:
– Reading for Information
– Formal and Informal Writing
– Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar.

There are two exam papers (Up to 1 hour 15 each) which are taken when students are ready. Level 1 and 2 are marked by the Exam Board.

Students also have two Speaking and Listening Assessments that are marked by the teacher.

How it’s taught
Alongside GCSE English Language.


Name of Course
English Literature

AQA GCSE English Literature

Outline of Course
Students who join us with a prior study of Literature or whose attendance, interest and ability suggest they will achieve an additional qualification are prepared and entered for this.